
Prati-Yogeshwari Kondavne, Karjat

    It is a privalage to announce that Anil Dattatray Gogate has built a replica of Shree Yogeshwari Devi (Ambejogai) in Kondavne, Karjat. For the people of Yogeshwari Devi as "kuladevi" it is a gift to obtain the blessing of the goddess so near to their homes. A temple of Shree Vyadeshwar is also next to it. It is a must visit for all of us : D


swapneel said...

Nice place to visit for one day trip from Mumbai

Anonymous said...

the place is at the back of beyond.the road is full od potholes, if ur vehicle & u survive the road its only to find to survive u have to go for substd food at atrocious rates stale chapatties bason laced dal abd potato veg stenched buttermilk for rs 125/- ABOUT THE TEMPLE - why not visit the original deities which are at townplaces with very good connectivity and better facilities there is no need tofall intrap and popularise this encashment of faith

Anonymous said...

If you want to visit any spiritual place, you need to take some efforts to reach there. Only then you will get 100% satisfaction.
Above location placed in the vally of Rajmachi & Khandala ghat. Some nature adjustment you need to take.
When we visit there we get good quality of food like puri, bhaji, dal, rise which serves fresh & hot. This is not a three star pr five star hotel. They peovied us servise over there that os important.

As per my point of view those people who unable to reach at real place which far away from Mumbai & Pune can get real satisfaction over here.

kanchan said...

I agree with anonymous dt 16.08.13 When we visitedte place some tourists had come for river sports with boats and all.they had placed order before hand yet the food was so shaby.greed is obvious here. Absolutely there is no need to popularise this place. We visited the original place before this visit and recommend to visit the original places at half the toil and time.the connect with all ur rituals comes only from original deities. As such I strongly recommend to skip this place and visit the original places nevermind even with the help of some tour operators!

Anonymous said...

this will help the disabled peoples to take blessings who do not able to travel to Beed due to disability.

Anonymous said...

how I wish that someone with resources and wish sets up the replicas of our kuldaivat and kuldevata in Mumbai pune or thane. hope chitpavan foundation or such organisation takes this intently.when we can have no of temples of maruti ganpati shivshankar inevery locality why not at least one in thane pune or even in new mumbai

Anonymous said...

can anybody tell me how do i reach the temple if i m coming from kalyan???

V J said...

Shri Yogeshwari Devi is our Kuladevi. We wanted to visit Ambejogai last year but as they say yog julun yene far mahatwache aste. We could not go to Ambejogai because of some unavoidable circumstances. From our family network, we got to know about Yogeshwari Devi in Kondivade, Karjat. We felt extremely blessed and privileged to visit this temple in Karjat. Its a great initiative by Mr Gogate. Now we can visit this temple alongwith the whole family anytime we want.

Unknown said...

After reading mixed reviews I am really confused whether to go to new place or visit the old place. Can anyone please guide with right decision. I have been to old temple many a times but this new place being close from Pune making me think twice before taking any decision.

murli777 said...

after recovery of my brother from life threatening illness felt compelled to visit our kulswamy first visited Guhagar VyADESHWAR ther I did not ask thesick brother to enter temple next Saturday to be precise on 15 feb
proceeded to ambejogai.travelled pune xpressway Sholapur highway then tembhurne phata on to sh 222 till ambejogai. must say excellent road ,first rushed to temple it was 7 in the evening nevermind we made it I was so excited that the temple was near empty as if beckoned by YOGESHWARI with the help of driver and other brother got the recuperating
brother to get off the car he reached the temple's gate where Yogeshwari darwaja felt tp drop at his knees imagine after
road journey of 14/15 hours skipping his wheelchair he could actually getr the darshan.
that's not all immidaiately after darshan we cold notice his improved movements and speech. he could even the food on his own mind boggling docors advise was not to take any journey and here he is my joy knew no bounds Yogeshwari gave me my brother Another surprise was in store at hotel SAI PALACE we got lodge with a lift facility. All YOGESHWARI'S day imagine my brother ventured for PARRLI VAIJNATH darshan again with driver and other brother AMAZING. back to Mumbai via ale phata malshej ghat very very motorable and scenic road'
felf compelled to share my divine experience with fellow believers

murli777 said...

for u it is all the more easy since u r from pune tell u there is no substitute for kul devat darshan if take fun packed picnic to anyplace it is different. but that is picnic no pilgrimage that s the difference I visited the karjat place too but divine exp I felt at ambejogai let YOGESHWARI bless to all thats my prayer

Anonymous said...

hi swapnil phadke.
I have something interesting to relate -- I was told to light deep( diyas) eqal to my age in the navgraha temple (advise coming from sage Vasishtha via naadi readers) Ithought well I can go to any south indian temple and offer the deeps.
but thru happy coincidence while flipping thru the tv channels came across MANDIR DARSHAN pro on darshan channel
after viewing the programm I changed my mind and decided to visit the original temples around kumbakonam in TN,
after the visit of temples i resumed the duties and had to face very challenging time I thought to myself lemme be thru
this and I should visit Vyaeshwar at guhagar our kuldaivat.which I did and resuming the duties was a very very plea
sant surprise awaiting handling of the crisis was so impressionable for the top people that I am given the top most post for which many a contenders were ignored'.while people around are envious and job dropping I don't mind sharing my secret with the people who have faith that it isn't my ability but anugraha by Vyadeshwar that saw me thru

Anonymous said...

after thinking deeply I think that someone is doing something for our kuldaivats which is very commendable and at least one visit to karjat place by every bramhin family who can, will be token of acknowledgement for his efforts

Anonymous said...

सर्वांच्या विविध प्रतिक्रिया आणि मते वाचली.काही भक्तांनी कोंडवणे -कर्जत मार्ग किती खराब आहे हे संगितले( या पेक्षा कठीण मार्गावरून पुढे जाऊन अनेक भक्त गण परम पदाला पोहोचले आहेत) .काही भक्तांनी जेवण कसे आहे हे संगितले.( अशा भक्तांनी एक वेळा फलहार करावा आणि रात्री घरी येऊन घरच्या जेवणाचा आस्वाद घ्यावा ) काही जणांनी येथे जावे की न जावे असा मुद्दा मांडला.( घरच्या घरी कुलदेवतेच्या तसविरीपुढे बसून मनोभावे प्रार्थना करावी ,ती देखील देवाला पोहोचतेच ).एका मराठी माणसाने भक्तांच्या सोईकरिता हे देवस्थान उभे केले आहे ,गोगटे यांचे मनापासून कौतुक.ओरिजिनल आणि ड्यूप्लिकेट कुलदैवत असे काही नसते . कोणत्याही तीर्थाचे ठिकाणी जाऊन आपण कुलदेवताय नम : सर्वेभ्यो देवेभ्यो नमो नम: असे मनोभावे म्हणतोच की !! तसेच या ही ठिकाणी जाऊन येण्यास हवेच . आपला स्नेह अभिलाषी ,श्री.माधव फाटक ,पुणे

kanchan said...

not just the falahar mr gogate offers drinks and non veg food at his farm house.sounds good option ! and to those who want to go bird watching at his pad (he gives list of birds on a display board ) but make do with sparrows and crows ! for ordinary people who just want comfortable darshan better skip
the place.i once again say no need to promot this commercial venture

Unknown said...

Very good place for one day timing. The road till end is in good condition as on 1st march,2015.

Unknown said...

We visited this place on 14 Jun 15.....compulsory SAREE for married ladies & PUNJABI DRESS for unmarried girls....full pant for gents ....Please do keep in mind when you visit ...if not followed they give SAREE to wear....but very nice place to visit...

Gajanan Athavale said...

visited this place today feel blessed

Gajanan Athavale said...

at kondhane post kondivade on the bank of ulhas river

Unknown said...

परवाच कर्जत जवळील योगेश्वरी देविचे दर्शन घेउन आलो,अनुभव चांगला होता,रस्ते तर शहरात पण खराब असतात, पॅचेस मधे खराब होता 95टक्के चांगला होता,घरगुती चांगले जेवण होते,Dress code इतरही अनेक देवळात असतो मग इथेच तक्रार का? पण कुलदैवत म्हणून आंबाजोगाईलाच जायला हवे असे माझे मत, अरविंद रानडे

Anonymous said...

कर्जत रेल्वे स्टेशनवरून योगेश्वरी च्या मंदिरात जाण्यासाठी एस.टी.बस ची सोय आहे का?. किंवा एखादी एस.टी.ची बस योगेश्वरी मंदिर मार्गे जाणारी आहे का ? कर्जत स्टेशन ते योगेश्वरी मंदिर हे अंतर किती आहे ? योगेश्वरी मंदिर पूर्वेला का पश्चिमेला आहे ?--- सुधीर नित्सुरे, बोरीवली.

Annonymous said...

Regarding dresscode, there are many rules in many temples. But my mother who is 70 years old had a horrifying expereience when she went there. Before going my father had enquired about changing room for saree because due to knee replacement surgery and travelling by train it was more convenient to wear a dress, for which Mr Anil Gogate clearly refused. Even after that my mother went there wearing a saree as per Mr Gogate's so called rules, he insulted my mother in front of all and argued with her. I wish to ask all, that is this a way to interact with a Senior Citizen lady who had come to visit a temple all the way taking all the trouble of the railway journey. I think Mr Gogate has different morals that by wearing a saree decides that a person has a faith in God which is completely ridiculous. Whether Mr Anil Gogate thinks that by insulting a lady in a Goddess's temple will make him a virtuous man?

Mukul Sathe said...

I visited this place last month with my family and parents. My mom also wore a dress. nu Mr Gogate provided a Saree to wrap her and that was it.
It was peaceful place. They gave lot of information. Not trying to earn any donations etc. offered Tea/Coffee as prasad. Roads are 85% good and small patch is not great. But it was very nice to get to see both the gods in one short trip from Panvel.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

People here do not allow ladies to enter the sanctrum if not wearing a sari. This is very insane and additionally the pujaris are not friendly they are infact very rude and do not allow you to even step in if you do not follow the dress code. This is very disgusting and hurts the religious sentiments of a person!!

Anonymous said...

खूप छान आहे.शिवाय तिथली निसर्गरम्यता अजून त्यात भर पाडते ...पावसाळ्यात तर निसर्ग सौंदर्य अनुभवायचंच असत...व्यवस्था सुद्धा अगदी चोख आहे..श्रीयुत गोगटे प्रचंड मेहनत करून संकृतिचा कार्य पुढे नेत आहेत त्याबद्दल त्यांचे कौतुक... जरूर भेट द्यावी

Anonymous said...

प्रति अंबेजोगाई अशी माहिती ऐकून इथे जाऊन आलो. मूर्ती सुंदर आहे प्रत्यक्ष अंबेजोगाईच्या तांदळ्याचा भास होतो. साडी।नेसली नसेल तर महिलांना दर्शन सोडाच, मंदिर परिसरात देखील प्रवेश नाही. एक महिला पंजाबी ड्रेस घालून पुण्याहून ड्रायव्हिंग करत आली होती. तिला जेवणाचे ताट देखील गाडीत नेऊन द्यायला लागलं. देऊळ गोगटे बंधू यांचे खाजगी आहे त्या मुळे त्यांनी जे नियम केले आहेत ते न पटणारे असले तरी पाळायलाच हवेत. मोठया बंधूंचे टोकाचे प्रतिगामी विचार ऐकले. प्रतिगामी विचार असले तरी त्यात पण एक लॉजिक असायला हवं ते पण दिसलं नाही. तृप्ती देसाई अंबाबाईच्या गाभाऱ्यात गेली म्हणून आगपाखड करत होते आणि त्याच वेळी दोन बंधूं पैकी एकाची पत्नी गाभाऱ्यात उभी राहून देवीच्या ओट्या स्वीकारत होती...!
बाकी त्यांनी सांगितलेल्या इतर हकिगती उदा. त्यांना साक्षात्कार होऊन देवीने मला जमिनीतून वर काढ असं सांगितलं त्यासाठी जांभळीचे झाड तोडून जेसीबी लावून 14 फूट खणल्यावर देवीचा तांदळा मिळाला हि हकीगत खरी असणार कारण इतका उद्योग केला असेल तर त्याला साक्षीदार नक्की असणार. मात्र त्या तांदळ्याला शॉक येत होता आणि नाशिकहून भटजी आणून त्याचं तेज काढायचा विधी केल्यावर शॉक येईनासा झाला ही अतिशयोक्ती वाटली. तेज परत आणल्यावर आता शॉक येतो का? हा प्रश्न ओठावर आला होता पण दोनही बंधू उखडेल स्वभावाचे वाटले त्यामुळे विचारला नाही. कारण एक महिला हे सर्व बोलणं मोबाईल वर रेकॉर्ड करते आहे हे पाहून ते खूप चिडले. असं रेकॉर्डिंग केलं तर परत जाताना तुमच्या गाडीचा ऍक्सिडेंट होईल असं बोलून दाखवलं. खरंतर सध्याच्या जादूटोणा कायद्याच्या कचाट्यात यायला नको ही भीती या रेकॉर्डिंगला विरोध करण्या मागे असावी.
पण एकंदरीत गोगटे बंधू श्रद्धाळू वाटले. मंदिर बांधायच्या हेतू मागे श्रद्धा हेच एकमेव कारण वाटतं. मुद्दाम मार्केटिंग किंवा पर्यटक वाढवावेत या दृष्टीने त्यांनी हे केलं असेल असं वाटत नाही. त्यांचे स्वतःचे व्यवसाय आहेत 127 एकर शेती आहे, दूध डेअरी आहे. आलेल्या भक्तांची जेवणाची सोय करतात पण त्यासाठी आकारत असलेले 150 रुपये अवाजवी वाटतात. जेवण मात्र उत्तम होते.
थोडक्यात तुम्ही श्रद्धाळू म्हणून भेट देणार असाल तर अंबेजोगाईला जाऊन दर्शन घेतल्याचं समाधान मिळतं. इतर गोष्टींकडे दुर्लक्ष करावे.

Anonymous said...

Just because temple is a private property we should not tolerate some unethical rules... Does our godess teach us to insult anybody? Or hurt anyone's sentiments?
Wearing saree is ultimate proof of purity? I am ashamed of such kind of mentality.
A leady who can not walk was forced to wear a saree which was used by 100 ladies before.. is that purity?
We are taught from the childhood.."जसा भाव तसा देव"
One lady married to brahmin had come there was harshly questioned and insulted by Gogte.
I wish she should have complained.
No one should ask such kind of questions. If its private property better not to open for public.. and if they want to open for public he should aware that if he may face case under harassment.
This completely against humanity. Whatever story mr gogte tells .. I doubt.. No offense if anybody is getting hurt. Wearing saree or not is a personal choice. Noone should restrict darshan. This is really ridiculous.
"The" Savarkar" fought for the people who were restricted to enter in the temple.. who are we to restrict an entry for any reason?

Unknown said...

It was really bad experience...MR.GOGATE was pathetic.....very rude...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gogate is an extremely rude man. We travelled for 2-3 hours to visit the mandir for 15 mins and all this man had to say “sadi nesli nahi mhanun mulinna aat yeta yenar nahi”. On asking why, very rudely he answered “ aamche khajgi mandir ahe, hya pudhe me bolnar nahi”. He also did not offer Prasad to me when I was standing on the road. Inhuman treatment I must say. Pan ascharya hyache vatle ki sanskar japnare swatah matra sohale sodun shirt pant ghalun hote.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to perform religious ceremony like upanayan(munja)? Is this service avlb at temple?

Unknown said...

myself with my wife and daughter visited temple.shri anilrao gogate welcome us.they gave us best treament. alloted room for bath with hot water .Aaji and all family members gave us nasta and lunch also. They all discussed with my daughter.They understood whole problem of my daughter. Gave full support and courage to fight with injustice. he told u are in sharan of AAI yOGESHVARI GOD SHALL DEFINETELY HELP U.ihave not seen such a religious family. Further in smooth life condition is must.i have got lesson from anilrao to wash legs before entering in AAI darbar.he has given santwana and gave some niyam to follow.I AM DEEPLY IMPRESSED WITH ALL GOGATE FAMILY. BEFORE DEPARTURE ANILRAO TOLD MY DAUGHER AFTER REACHING HOME PL GIVE ME TELEPHONE CALL.

Unknown said...

visited aai yogeshvari on 11th march 2018.GOGATE FAMILY IS VERY PIOUS AND GENEROUS.

vaibhav said...

अस्पृश्यांना विठ्ठल मंदिरात प्रवेश देणाऱ्या वीर सावरकर ह्यांना देव मानतो आम्ही
इथे ब्राह्मणांना कपडे काय घातले आहेत ह्या वरून प्रवेश नाकारला जातो ? हे स्वतःला समजतात कोण ?
आंबेजोगाईला पण असा भेदभाव केला जात नाही

vaibhav said...

तुकाराम महाराज, ज्ञानेश्वर माऊली ह्यांना त्रास देणाऱ्या ब्राह्मणांची ही पुढची पिढी असल्याचा मला दाट संशय आहे

Unknown said...

आज देवीचे दर्शन अतिशय उत्तम झाले , गोगटे यांनी खुप सुंदर माहिती दिली,अतिशय चांगली माणस वाटली ,त्यांचे नियम आहेत ते त्यांच्या अनुभवातुन आलेले आहेत, कुठेही रुढपणा वाटला नाही , कोकणात पण प्रत्येक ठिकाणी विहीर असते आणि पाय धुवुन देवळात जावे लागते,महाराष्ट्रातल्या रस्त्याबद्दल न बोलणं ठिक.

PradipG said...

Visited yogeshwari temple of Gogate. Deity is really very powerful. We forget all troubles while reaching there on darshan of Mata Yogeshwari. Being Paush Pornima we got free Prasad. It was really good like home made. Being private mandir all need to follow rules of Gogate. Unfortunately visitors were not allowed in vyadeshwar mandir, nor there was any peson to take care of offerings for Lord Vyadeshwar. In yogeshwari mandir one lady from gogate family was present. If one wants to go for darshan of Kuldevi- yogeshwari, it is really nice place to visit. dress code may be bringing decency in that particular surrounding .

Unknown said...

Excellent- Gogate has put in lot of effort.The Wyadeshwar as well as Pratiambejogai is full of energy i e if you are sensitive to experience it.

Vishwanath Jagannath Jawalikar said...

प्रति अंबेजोगाई अशी माहिती घेउन सकाळी लवकर कुटुंबकबिला सह चारचाकी घेउन दोन तासाचा प्रवास करुन कोंढाणे गावि असलेले योगेश्वरी मंदिरात पोहचलो मंदिराचे दोन्ही गोगटे बंंधुंची ख्याती ऐकुनच घरातिल मंडळिंना बजावले होते फक्त देविच्या फोटो काढल्यावरुन एका बंधुने अद्दा तद्दा बोलने चालु केले देवाच्या दारात सर्व सुखी रहा असा अशिर्वाद देणारे पुजारी चक्क तूमचा ॲस्कींडंट होउन तुम्ही मराल अशी अरेरावी करत आलेल्या लोकांना शाप देत होता.असे शाप द्यायलाका मंदिर बांधले आहे.तो तर मला वेडसर वाटला.फक्त पैसे कमवन्यासाठी मंदिर बांधले आहे असे वाटते आलेल्या भक्तांना शिव्या शाप देण्या साठी मंदिर बाःधन्याचा फार्स्र केला असे.मंदिर खाजगी मालकीचे असले म्हणुन काय आलेल्या भक्तांना शिव्या शाप देण्याचा हक्क नाही.मि तर या दोन्ही बंधुनवर काहितरी कारवाई व्हावी असे प्रयत्न करेन देव मला मान्य आहेत पण हे मधले मुजोरी मान्य नाही शेवटी काय कावळ्याच्या शापाने कोणी मरत नसते हे सत्य

27 January 2019 at 06:14

Unknown said...

plz.give me contact no of our Deiety mandir kondavne karjat tnx

Anonymous said...

The family that runs the temple is casteist, greedy and shameless. I am contemplating initiating some proceedings under the Atrocities Act.

Unknown said...

Huge disappointment. Mr. Gogte doesn't have manners to talk to people. Ithe yenyapeksha ajun thode kashta gheun kharya Ambejogai chya darshanala jana kenvahi paravadel. Atleast tithe ugachach apmaan honar nahi yaachi khatri asel

Unknown said...

Aadhi baaykanshi kasa bolaycha te shikaa ani mag Devicha mandir maintain Kara.

Ash_thinktank said...

M planning to visit . Is the place so not welcoming due to these middleman or pujaris .

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